23 May 2012

Evangelization Gone Wrong

Sometimes I worry about how the things I do (or fail to do) accomplish the opposite of my goal. I used to believe that only pride would allow someone to feel responsible for pushing another person away from God. (You're not important enough to be able to completely push someone away from God or His Church.) I still hold to some aspects of this line of thinking, but I also know that God entrusts our souls to one another, and I know that I'm a sinner and have fallen short of the glory of God. Sometimes I fail to pray adequately for and love well the souls which have been entrusted to me.

One of the people who receives my quarterly newsletter has recently written me to tell me that she has officially left the Church. I must admit, I wept at this news. I do not know this woman very well, in fact we have never met face to face. But this letter emotionally overwhelmed me.

I will use this as a sort of wake up call. I think God is asking me to pray more vigilantly for the souls entrusted to my care, and to bring to them the Good News of the Gospel and the saving grace of the Sacraments of Christ's Church.

Saint Francis de Sales, Patron of Humility, pray for us!

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