21 January 2024


 If you have ever met me even for 30 seconds you either know explicitly or could assume correctly that I love lists and routines and organization and order and resolutions and planners. 

I think it's because my thoughts often feel chaotic, so I have to create order in my world externally This is probably also why I rarely drink and don't like to feel tipsy at all. 

We could go down a whole rabbit hole, but I'll save that for therapy.

I know that COVID changed everything for everyone, and even though I didn't change jobs or friend groups or locations (well I did move, but only 2.4 miles down the road),  I still feel like my whole world turned upside down when we had to be isolated from people for so long. Last year I spent a lot of time trying to remember what life was like before COVID and getting back to that. I'm finally fully adapted to working from home and I'm even starting a new small group that will meet at my house. 

All this to say, my routines are really important to me (am I on the spectrum? who knows?) and they are really giving me a lot of LIFE this year so far. 

My morning routine involves waking up, coming in my office, taking 3 appointments (9am, 10am, 11am) and at some point grabbing my yogurt + granola + collagen coffee for some protein and caffeine. 
Ideally lunch involves a little mental health walk and some eggs + protein, but this week coming up I have a few meetings at the church during my normal lunch break. 

After work I like to drop by the chapel and pray for a bit, and I've committed to doing #NT24 where we read the whole New Testament in 24 days. Today is day 7? I think? We're finishing John's Gospel. 

At night to wind down, I do some reading, do my skin care, and floss my teeth. Then I take my vitamins, do my NYT crossword and go to bed around 12:30. 

On Friday I went to a prayer night at my friend's house and afterwards some friends were like so how are you, how have you been? And I was like honestly, I'm just like living this quiet little life that looks the same everyday and I kinda love it. I feel like it gives me so much freedom. 

Prayer was inconsistent this week, my goal is to make it to the chapel every single day this week. Hold me accountable, bloggy. 

Love you, mean it, byeeeee <3 

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