03 January 2014

New Year, New You.... Again!

You probably won't expect this to come from me, but I LOVE the New Year. I don't particularly enjoy New Year's Eve just in general, but I love the idea of a fresh new start. I love making resolutions, I love making lists and crossing things off of them, I just love the whole idea of self improvement... which is good... because this self has a lot of improving to do. 

This year I made a LOT of Resolutions. Some I'll keep, some I won't. Some are high priority ("must works") and some are not.. ("stretch goals.") I try to make resolutions during the liturgical new year but I never remember them. 

I would write a list of all of the things I want to accomplish this year, but I'll spare you. Trust me, it's a long list. I will say this: I think it is important to have multiple types of goals: spiritual, physical, financial, educational, emotional, relationship, etc. 

Last year was a big year for me. A lot of things changed. I went from full time Catholic missionary to Stock Broker/Investment Adviser. I moved from FL to TX... and a few times there after. I saved $5000 and paid off a lot of debt. I became financially independent. I met and became friends with people who I would not normally spend time with. I basically destroyed my comfort zone. I've seen brokenness in ways I thought only existed in rom-coms. I've been assured time and time again in the Truth which is found in the teachings of the Catholic Church and I've loved Her more for it. I spent a lot of time thinking about what ifs. 

This year I am going to focus on Jesus and me. I want to be excellent. I want to know Jesus better. He and I both love me too much to leave me where I'm at. We have big plans. Mostly I want to live every day like it's New Year's Day. Every single day is an opportunity to wake up, look yourself in the mirror, and be the best person you can be. Every day you face failure, but if you fail once and decide to wait until next year to try again... you're only hurting yourself. There's no point in feeling guilty because you forgot to pray your rosary yesterday, by the time you're done thinking about it you could be on the second decade of your rosary for today! God doesn't live in the past, and the future doesn't even exist. I have to meet Him in the "here and now." The present, not the past or the future, is where time touches eternity. Pray for me! I'll pray for you! 

Mary, Queen of Expectation, pray for us!

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