07 March 2013

Extroversion at it's Worst

Webster defines extroversion as: the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self.


For those of you introverts, your definition doesn't make you look too well either.

In our society, it seems that being an extrovert is ideal. Between extroversion and introversion, extroversion is preferred... that is if you want to be successful. In college, we're always told to differentiate ourselves, learn to network, go meet people. These things come more naturally to most extroverts.

Well folks, I am an extrovert. I'm sure that I do not deserve some pat on the back because of a character trait which I did not choose, but overall, I like being an extrovert.

I am pretty sure that I never met a true introvert until I went to college. I mean, I'm sure I knew some, but I definitely didn't hang out with any, and out of my huge family, you'd be hard-pressed to find one anywhere. If I did know any introverts, they sure kept it a secret from me. Maybe my extreme extroversion makes introverts more introverted. Maybe no one ever loved me enough to be boldly introverted around me.

But you see, God made us introverts and extroverts because we can learn so much about ourselves from people who differ from us. Some of my best friends are introverts, and they've helped me to discover my own depth, helped me to become self-aware, and taught me how to think in new ways.

I think that most of the people I work with are extroverts.... and it feels like we need some introverts to help us become more balanced and well-rounded men and women. Virtue, after all, is the middle between extremes.

As an extrovert, I don't want to spend any time alone... but right about now, I would love to spend some time with my favorite introverts! For now, my introverted blog will have to do.

St. Peter, my favorite extrovert, pray for us!


  1. Our culture is biased towards extroversion. If you look at it from a scientific/evolutionary standpoint, though, the proportion of introverts in the human population is large. Thus it is not likely that introversion is a defect, but actually contributes to the success and survival of our species.

    Perhaps it is that introverts excel at creating successful ideas, or problem solving, while extroverts excel at converting ideas into action. Extroverts also help connect introverts with other people. This is, of course, not to say extroverts are bad at thinking and introverts are bad at doing.

    From a spiritual point of view, there are virtues and vices associated with both introverts and extroverts. I think becoming more virtuous involves tempering the extremes of either tendency.

  2. Ross, I completely agree.

    CCC 1779 says: It is important for every person to be sufficiently present to himself in order to hear and follow the voice of his conscience. This requirement of interiority is all the more necessary as life often distracts us from any reflection, self-examination or introspection.

    I think that extroverts have a harder time being present to themselves. When we're so concerned with the exterior, we forget to take a moment to think about what we do, how we do it, why we do it, and how it affects others.
