11 February 2013

Financial Career: Day One

Woah. Today really happened.

Let me tell you first how freakishly nervous I was last night. I distracted myself by thinking of hypothetical scenarios where different people came over to my house and I talked to them about Jesus and they converted to Catholicism. Hahahhaha, I would.

I was more nervous than I ever remember being in my whole life. I'm not sure why I was so nervous, they wanted me, they gave me the job! I realized it was fear of the unknown. Only two other things I could think of would make me more nervous.

Also, I googled "what to expect on your first day of work" and read about ten pages worth of stuff. I'm a dork.

So, what is it like on the first day of life in corporate America?

Well, I got to Fidelity, they gave me my badge, and I headed down to training.
They provided breakfast, and the first half of the day was HR stuff: benefits, insurance, vision, mission, etc. I kinda like learning about all of that stuff, but it probably seems boring to you.

Then, we moved into the training room where we will be training from 8 to 5 everyday for the next five weeks! We did a lot of ice breaker type stuff... not actually as lame as I usually think those things are. We talked about the corporate culture at Fidelity and the things we expect and what is expected of us over the next five weeks. My "class" only has six girls in it, but they're all cool and I think we've all kinda realized that as women in this industry we need to stick together. The guys are cool too.

I had a conversation with one of the guys at one point and he said something that I didn't agree with. I must wear my feelings on my face because he looked at me and then said that I might have a different perspective because I was a missionary. The thing he said wasn't an issue of absolute truth, more of opinion with some moral significance, I suppose, but I felt bad for seeming "judgmental." The Christian Life is about love, and I have no hope of preaching the Gospel to anyone if I don't learn to love the people around me.

Today is the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, and Pope Benedict XVI has announced his resignation from Petrine Ministry. When I got home, I wondered if I was wasting my time in a job that makes it unable for me to attend Mass on a daily basis. I need someone to tell me it's okay to not pray a daily HH in the chapel and attend daily Mass. More importantly, I suppose, I need to convince myself of its truth.

I am saddened by Papa's stepping down. I am secretly jealous of him because I heard that after his holiday at the Vatican summer house, he will enter the cloister, where he will remain with his brilliant thoughts, all kinds of books, music, etc. until God calls him home. I pray for his health.

 I know God brings greater good out of all things. I pray that the new Pope will be a great conduit for the Holy Spirit and the grace of God to move, and I know he will be a great servant of the New Evangelization in this Year of Faith and for the future of the Church.

If I had a vote, I'd pick Cardinal Dolan! An American Pope would show the world that the Church is not dead, in fact quite the opposite, in the most advanced nation in the world. What a witness! And we could show the rest of the world what this New Evangelization is really about!! (Pride, pride, pride, I know.) FOCUS could go international!!

I've had a lot to say lately! I'm excited for Lent and some good Lenten posts. What are you giving up? What are you taking on? Let me know!

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany,

    I am so glad I got to read about your first day of work by creeping on your blog. Except I supposed it is not really creeping if you put it on a blog. Anyway, I went to FOCUS interview weekend and figured out I'm not called to be a full time missionary, but I am going to Russia for a summer mission trip! All things considered, try to make a commitment to have at least one or two holy hours every week. If that means you have to wake up super early or stay up late, make that part of the sacrifice of corporate life. Keep it secret from your co-workers and offer it up for their salvation. In this way, you can retain that Eucharistic devotion even though you can't make it to daily mass. You may already be planning to do this, in which case, all that was superfluous. You are great and I miss your face already.

